Friday, February 6, 2009

A little bit about Isabel

Isabel is almost 2. She is the happiest little girl ever. She has recently figured out how to climb onto the counters. She loves to pull all the dishes and glasses out of the cupboards and try to stack them on the counter. I thought it was cute at first, when she was using the plastic dishes, but recently she has started pulling out all the real dishes which freaks me out a little. So far nothing has fallen off the counter (including Isabel) but I'm over the cuteness now and would just prefer if she stayed on the ground.

She loves to play hide-n-go seek. She stands right next to Shane and tries to count. Every number sounds like two. Then she follows behind looking for the Hiders. As soon as she sees them she yells "rrrraaaa" as loud as she can. When it's her turn to hide she likes to jump out and try to scare whoever is looking for her (before they actually find her.)
As a side note to all those who knew me growing up: The ponytail on top of her head is in remembrance of the whale spout hairdo I had in junior high:-) Like mother Like daughter.

Sleding Trip

We tried to take the kids sledding since we have so much snow. I thought it would last maybe a half hour since the kids are so young. Gunnar marched right up the hill with Shane, jumped on the sled and took off down the hill. He continued this pattern for over 30 minutes and never did he look were he was going before he got on the sled. For the most part he had a clear path but randomly he would cause a stranger to dive out of the way. Once while Shane was getting him on video he came straight at Shane (good for video, bad for Shane and Isabel standing in front of Shane) At the last second, realizing Isabel was in some danger, Shane grabbed her out of the way and Gunnar slid right under Shane's left leg.
Livy and Isabel turned out not to be big fans of sledding. I waited in the car with them after about 15 minutes when they got cold.

Superbowl Sunday

The Superbowl is always a favorite holiday for our family. The thing I enjoy the most is seeing how many times Shane makes a comment BEFORE (this year) John Madden makes the same exact comment. I lost count it happened so many times.
This year was especially exciting because we actually had a home team to cheer for. Since lived in Phoenix for the last 6/7 years (I lose count) we were forced to watch all Cardinals games. The networks usually play the best match up in the area but we would always end up with the Cardinals. So we suffered through awful games, huge blow outs and depressing games. So we've watched them slowly build this team. We've been to a few games and great to see them make it to the Superbowl. To bad it wasn't last year though. Then they could've had home field advantage. We were sad they didn't win but as a football fan I couldn't have asked for a better game.
The kids don't know what's going on but Gunnar loves to yell touchdown. They were especially hyper during the first half (probably a result of all the sugar) and then slept through the second half so we just put them to bed. All in all a great Superbowl this year.